Nnejercicios gerundio e infinitivo ingles pdf

You must keep on studying english this afternoon debes seguir estudiando ingles esta tarde. The gerund and the infinitive have parallel uses in english and spanish, but there are also important differences between the. The ndo forms gerund, present participle in english are used. Infinitivo, gerundio y participio flashcards quizlet. Studying english is boring estudiar ingles es aburrido 2. Como usar verbos en gerundios e infinitivos en ingles youtube. Essere essendo stato gia due volte a londra, questa volta preferirei andare a parigi. Learning english is fun and easy aprender ingles es divertido y facil. For a few weeks well be working on some basic rules you need in order to succeed in t. Like, love, hate,regret, avoid, consider, involve, enjoy, risk, practise, stop,miss. Tonight i fancy to an expensive restaurant and then to a jazz club. Participio o gerundio gerundio o participio on 29042019 by spanishunicorn. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results.

Ejercicios con gerundios e infinitivos really learn english. Ejercicios del gerundio vs infinitivo en ingles allows you to learn new languages completely free of charge. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Non trovarti avendoti trovato in casa, siamo andati a cercarti al bar.